Diane Feinstein is a U.S. politician who was born on June 22, 1933, which means she is currently 89 years old. She has lived a long life due to a combination of various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, access to... Read more
While there is no official statement about Taylor Swift’s workout routine, she has shared some insights into her fitness habits over the years. In interviews, Taylor has mentioned that she enjoys a mix of cardio and strength training, and likes... Read more
Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures and traditions as a way to connect with oneself and the universe. In recent years, it has gained popularity in the western world as a powerful tool to promote... Read more

Custom Yoga Classes Anywhere… Down Dog Yoga offers you the ability to create a custom yoga practice for your body in the moment. Your practice options include: Free YouTube Practices While the Down Dog App gives you the ability to... Read more

Getting a workout in before your day gets started is one of the best ways to burn some calories while jump starting your body and mind. Try out these moves to get your morning started. Read more

Check out some great beach games to get your heart pumping! Read more